Monday, April 10, 2006

Daily Veggies

The good vibes and good things that continue to surround me are amazing. God is Good All the TIME!!

The daily grind is just that- a grind. It shouldn't be and a wise woman once told me to do what you love so that it doesn't feel like it's work. Well, after taking this well given advice, I made the move and ventured into unchartered waters and I have to say, "I love this RIDE!"

Since March Madness is now a thing of the past, it's time to move onto MLB and rooting for the "Damn Yankees" as people in New England like to say. Well, the Yankees are 2-4 and are going to receive a tongue lashing from George S. GS and I politic every once in awhile and when I spoke to him this morning, he said that the guys got the message yesterday and performed as they should. The Yankees defeated the Angels 10 to 1. Can you say ass whooping? Hell yeah, hell yeah! Take that, take that- as the crowd yells, "Tell them why you mad son, tell them why you mad son!"

On a different front, I saw this painting by Dubelyoo and I had to share it with yall. If you don't know about Dubelyoo, check out his website at ConvertTheWack.


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